Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Three in every 10 Australian adults suffer from moderate to severe gum disease*, and while the condition is very common, it can also be quite dangerous. When left untreated, periodontal disease can gradually develop from its earliest stages to an irreversible condition. Scarier yet, patients with periodontal disease are generally at least twice as likely to experience heart problems or strokes.* 

Thankfully, there are ways to detect early-stage gum disease (known as “gingivitis”) before it wreaks havoc on your mouth. For example, bleeding gums are often an indication. While infrequent bleeding is not necessarily cause for alarm, bleeding every time you brush or floss – especially if this symptom is accompanied by bad breath or swelling – should not be taken lightly. 

If you’re experiencing chronic bleeding in the gums, we encourage you to give The Paddington Dental Surgery a call. Whether you’re dealing with gingivitis or more advanced periodontal disease (i.e. periodontitis), our friendly dental team can manage the condition using scaling and root planing, laser therapy or a more intensive surgical procedure. 

No matter the specifics of your case, we are on your side! Contact The Paddington Dental Surgery today to schedule your first-time appointment.

Medical References*

Harvard University*

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